Precious Whelming

[precious — (adj.) of great value; not to be wasted or treated carelessly

whelming — (verb) engulf, submerge, or bury; flow or heap abundantly] 

 The sculptures laid out before you is an expression of freedom, femininity, and community. It was inspired by the strong community of women in my life, and women everywhere who strengthen and support one another. This is why they take up space, why they are loud, and why they are unapologetically present. They embody mother nature’s attributes as well through their creation of a welcoming, safe, and nurturing space.  

 As this collection of soft sculptures grew, they became a way for me to express myself free from judgement or constraint.  While working on Precious Whelming I gave them room to be their loud, colorful, playful selves just as the female energies in my life have given me room to do the same. I hope walking amongst them will give you the freedom to be yourself. 

These pieces are made from scraps of fabric, beads, buttons, cotton, yarn, and torn up paintings. They range in size from one-inch cotton cord to one-centimeter plastic beads. I weave, twist, knot and tie these materials onto a skeleton of chicken wire to create colorful characters. These materials embrace the idea of decoration -- similar to how society treats women as ornaments. 

Each sculpture supports one another, creating a tightly knit community- just like the communities we form with one another. We live in a world where people are told that they need to fit into the neat, little boxes created for us. These pieces are my way of doing my part to break those boxes. 

Here’s to you — for being here, for acknowledging your beauty and uniqueness, for smiling. I see you, I love you, I support you.